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Atomic Energy Education Society (AEES) was set up to provide quality education for the children of the employees of the Department of Atomic Energy of India, and its constituent units in Mumbai , Maharashtra .[1] It was established in 1969 with one school in Anushaktinagar , Mumbai. AEES comes under Government of India Department of Atomic Energy [2]
It administers 31 schools and junior colleges at 14 locations all over the country with more than 26000 students on its rolls.[3] Managed by 1504 staff members, of which about 1213 are teachers.
References [ edit ]
Energy Ministries and Departments of India
Statutory Bodies Autonomous Bodies PSUs Legislation
The Electricity Act, 2003
The Energy Conservation Act, 2001
The Damodar Valley Corporation Act, 1948
Bhakra Beas Management Board as provided in the Punjab Reorganisation Act, 1966
Schemes Missions Secretaries Ministers
New and Renewwable Energy
National Institute of Solar Energy(NISE)
National Institute of Wind Energy (NIWE)
National Institute of Bio Energy
Sardar Swaran Singh National Institute of Bio-Energy (SSS-NIBE)
Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA)
Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI)
Schemes Missions Policy Secretaries List of Ministers Ministers of State
The Coking Coal Mines (Emergency Provisions) Ordinance
Coking Coal Mines (Nationalisation) Act, 1972
Coal Mines (Nationalisation) Act, 1973
Colliery Control Order, 2000
Coal Mines (Conservation & Development) Act, 1974 and Coal Mines (Conservation & Development) Rules, 1975
The Collection of Statistics Act, 1953 and the Collection of Statistics (Central) Rules, 1959
Coal Bearing Areas (Acquisition & Development) Act, 1957
Coal Mines Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1948
Coal Mines Pension Scheme, 1998
Mines and Minerals (Regulation & Development) Act, 1957
Susheel Kumar
Inder Jit Singh
Sumanta Chaudhuri
Dr. Anil Kumar Jain (incumbent)
Petroleum and Natural Gas
Schemes Projects PSUs
Other Secretaries
K D Tripathi
M M Kutty (incumbent)
Minsiters Minister of State
Department of Atomic Energy
Apex Board Regulatory Board R&D PSUs Organisations
Industrial Service
Directorate of Construction, Services and Estate Management (DAE) (DCSEM), Mumbai
Directorate of Purchase and Stores (DAE) (DPS), Mumbai
General Services Organisation (DAE) (GSO), Kalpakkam
Universities Aided Sector Secretaries Ministers of State Related