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Brahm Dutt (27 March 1926 – 5 October 2014) was an Indian politician and a member of the 8th Lok Sabha & 9th Lok Sabha . He represented the Tehri Garhwal Lok Sabha Constituency and was a member of the Congress political party. He also elected to the Elected to the 8th Assembly of Uttar Pradesh from Mussoorie Assembly constituency.
Positions held[edit]
 Energy Ministries and Departments of India |
Power | Statutory Bodies | |
Autonomous Bodies | |
PSUs | |
Legislation |
- The Electricity Act, 2003
- The Energy Conservation Act, 2001
- The Damodar Valley Corporation Act, 1948
- Bhakra Beas Management Board as provided in the Punjab Reorganisation Act, 1966
Schemes | |
Missions | |
Secretaries | |
Ministers | |
| |
New and Renewwable Energy | Institutions |
- National Institute of Solar Energy(NISE)
- National Institute of Wind Energy (NIWE)
- National Institute of Bio Energy
- Sardar Swaran Singh National Institute of Bio-Energy (SSS-NIBE)
- Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA)
- Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI)
Schemes | |
Missions | |
Policy | |
Secretaries | |
List of Ministers | |
Ministers of State | |
Coal | Agencies | |
Legislations |
- The Coking Coal Mines (Emergency Provisions) Ordinance
- Coking Coal Mines (Nationalisation) Act, 1972
- Coal Mines (Nationalisation) Act, 1973
- Colliery Control Order, 2000
- Coal Mines (Conservation & Development) Act, 1974 and Coal Mines (Conservation & Development) Rules, 1975
- The Collection of Statistics Act, 1953 and the Collection of Statistics (Central) Rules, 1959
- Coal Bearing Areas (Acquisition & Development) Act, 1957
- Coal Mines Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1948
- Coal Mines Pension Scheme, 1998
- Mines and Minerals (Regulation & Development) Act, 1957
Secretaries |
- Susheel Kumar
- Inder Jit Singh
- Sumanta Chaudhuri
- Dr. Anil Kumar Jain (incumbent)
Ministers | |
Petroleum and Natural Gas | Institutions | |
Schemes | |
Projects | |
PSUs | |
Other | |
Secretaries |
- K D Tripathi
- M M Kutty (incumbent)
Minsiters | |
Minister of State | |
Department of Atomic Energy | Apex Board | |
Regulatory Board | |
R&D | |
PSUs | |
Organisations | Industrial | |
Service |
- Directorate of Construction, Services and Estate Management (DAE) (DCSEM), Mumbai
- Directorate of Purchase and Stores (DAE) (DPS), Mumbai
- General Services Organisation (DAE) (GSO), Kalpakkam
Universities | |
Aided Sector | |
Secretaries | |
Ministers of State | |
Related | |