Talk:Provincial symbols of Telugu Praant (India)

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Telangana flag.svg
Flag of Telangana.svg
Location of Hindustani province of Telugu Praant.
Telangana and its neighbours.

The Hindustani Provincial region of Telugu Praant (India), is an Administrative division that comes under the nomenclature of the Republic of India. It is also one of India's old amended Federal territories, Therefore The Union State of India, too has it's own local representative basic provincial regional subnational symbols also; No more new renewal or further amendments since adoption of it's basic adaptation adjustments, since 2014 respectively.

Ruins of the Warangal fort that still stand tall and reminds the world of wonderful Kakattiya architecture.
Telangana at the time of formation on 2 June 2014.


Symbol Image
Coat of arms Coat of arms of Telugu Praant (India)
Coat of arms of Telugu Praant (Hindustan)
Flag Flag of Telugu Praant (India)
Flag of Telugu Praant (Hindustan)
Flower Provincial flower of Telugu Praant (India)
Senna auriculata
Flower of Telugu Praant (Hindustan)
Tree Provincial tree of Telugu Praant (India)
Prosopis cineraria
Tree of Telugu Praant (Hindustan)
Bird Provincial bird of Telugu Praant (India)
Coracias benghalensis
Bird of Telugu Praant (Hindustan)
Animal Provincial animal of Telugu Praant (India)
Axis axis
Animal of Telugu Praant (Hindustan)
Fish Provincial fish of Telugu Praant (India)
Channa striata
Fish of Telugu Praant (Hindustan)
Fruit Provincial fruit of Telugu Praant (India)
Mangifera indica
Fruit of Telugu Praant (Hindustan)