College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Anand

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College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Anand is a college for the study of veterinary medicine in Anand, Gujarat, in india.


The college was established on 16 August 1964 by the government of Gujarat, becoming a part of Gujarat Agriculture University in 1974. Now, it is a constituent college of Anand Agricultural university.[1]


The campus is spread over 63 acres of land with 18 departments, four research stations, a molecular genetics laboratory, a veterinary hospital, an instructional farm, a library, and indoor and outdoor sports facilities.

Co-curricular activities[edit]

Other activities[edit]

Student counselling[edit]

Candidates are called for counselling by the Admission Committee and also for verification of physical fitness, original mark sheet, certificates etc. before admission and registration. The candidates have to produce a medical certificate of physical fitness in the form prescribed by the Universities from a Registered Medical Officer.


AAVCA is the name of the Alumni Association of Veterinary College Anand.


  1. "College of Veterinary Sciences & Animal Husbandry | Central Agricultural University". Retrieved 2020-06-13.