Template:NPP backlog/doc

From Bharatpedia, an open encyclopedia

This template {{NPP backlog}}, displays the number of pages awaiting review in the new pages queue. The size of this backlog is assigned to one of five levels, from "very high" to "very low".

The information - level, number in queue (info), and time signature (sign) - is provided by MuskitBot, and is updated at two hour intervals.

One use is to place it on an editor's user page or talk page.


These are the centralized descriptions for the NPP backlog indicators:

LEVEL Description Number in new pages queue Level result
1 Very high unreviewed pages backlog 8,000 or more

Very high unreviewed pages backlog: {{{info}}} articles, as of {{{sign}}}, according to MuskitBot

2 High unreviewed pages backlog 6,000–7,999

High unreviewed pages backlog: {{{info}}} articles, as of {{{sign}}}, according to MuskitBot

3 Moderate unreviewed pages backlog 4,000–5,999

Moderate unreviewed pages backlog: {{{info}}} articles, as of {{{sign}}}, according to MuskitBot

4 Low unreviewed pages backlog 2,000–3,999

Low unreviewed pages backlog: {{{info}}} articles, as of {{{sign}}}, according to MuskitBot

5 Very low unreviewed pages backlog 1,999 or less

Very low unreviewed pages backlog: {{{info}}} articles, as of {{{sign}}}, according to MuskitBot

0 Unreviewed pages backlog unknown Unknown

Unreviewed pages backlog unknown: {{{info}}} articles, as of {{{sign}}}, according to MuskitBot

How it displays


Very high unreviewed pages backlog: 9668 articles, as of 14:00, 20 October 2024 (UTC), according to MuskitBot


Very high unreviewed pages backlog: 9668 articles, as of 14:00, 20 October 2024 (UTC), according to MuskitBot


Very high unreviewed pages backlog

No color

Very high unreviewed pages backlog: 9668 articles, as of 14:00, 20 October 2024 (UTC), according to MuskitBot


use type=defcon as a parameter

Level 1 2 3 4 5 0

New pages patrol backlog

Level 1

Very high unreviewed pages backlog

New pages patrol backlog

Level 2

High unreviewed pages backlog

New pages patrol backlog

Level 3

Moderate unreviewed pages backlog

New pages patrol backlog

Level 4

Low unreviewed pages backlog

New pages patrol backlog

Level 5

Very low unreviewed pages backlog

New pages patrol backlog

Level 0

Unreviewed pages backlog unknown

Template data

This is the TemplateData documentation for this template used by VisualEditor and other tools; see the monthly parameter usage report for this template.

TemplateData for NPP backlog

Displays a box with information about the new page backlog

Template parameters


The float value for the template, i.e. how the template is aligned inline with others. Valid values: 'left', 'right'


If 'yes', the template uses block mode, filling all available width

No colornocolor nocolour

If 'yes', the text color and background color is not used


If 'short', only the backlog level is displayed (without the page count or timestamp)


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