Talk:State symbols of Burundi

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Flag of Burundi.svg
Location map for the Burundian Republic.

The State symbols of the Republic of Burundi are the symbols that are used to represent the Burundian people proper and abroad to represent the country and its people.


Symbol Image
Coat of arms Emblem of Burundi
Coat of arms of Burundian State
Flag Flag of Burundi
Flag of Burundian State
Flower National flower of Burundi
Protea gaguedi
Flower of Burundian State
Tree National tree of Burundi
Moringa oleifera
Tree of Burundian State
Bird National bird of Burundi
Corythaeola cristata
Bird of Burundian State
Fish National fish of Burundi
Neolamprologus brichardi
Fish of Burundian State
Animals National animal of Burundi
Crocuta crocuta

Burundian national animal

Panthera leo melanochaita

Animal of Burundian State
African Lion (Panthera leo melanochaita (45537933232).jpg