National symbols of the Sultanate of Oman

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Flag of Oman.svg
Location map for the Omani Sultanate.

The National symbols of the Muslim-Majority of the Sultanate of Oman are the symbols that are used to represent the Omani people proper and abroad to represent the country and its people.


Symbol Image
Coat of arms Coat of arms of Oman
Coat of Arms of Oman
Flag National flag of Oman
State Flag of Oman
Flowers National flower of Oman
Jasminum grandiflorum floribundum

Floral emblem of Oman

Adenium obesum

State Flower of Oman
State Flora of Oman
Tree National tree of Oman
Tamarindus indica
State Tree of Oman
Birds National bird of Oman
Falco peregrinus pelegrinoides

Hawk of Quraish

Falco cherrug

State Bird of Oman
Самка балобана.jpg
Animals National animal of Oman
Arabitragus jayakari

Faunae emblem of Oman

Oryx gazella leucoryx

State Animal of Oman
State Animal of Oman
Fruit National fruit of the Sultanate of Oman
Cistus ladanifer
State Fruit of Oman

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