Except in the main namespace (article namespace), subpages are pages separated with a "/" (a slash) from their 'parent' page.
Making a new [[link]] that begins with a / (slash) is the common way to start a subpage. The page to which this link points is considered "subordinate" to its host page, and is titled and linked as [[Parentpage/Subpage]]. It is possible to create a subpage of a subpage (or a sub-subpage). At the top of each subpage or sub-subpage, you can find a backlink (a.k.a. breadcrumb) to the higher levels of the page.
Finding subpagesEdit
The "All pages with prefix" report from Special:PrefixIndex shows subpages.
- Select "Page information" from Tools (in the sidebar). Then select the link about "subpages".
- Or navigate to Special:PrefixIndex/fullpagename/ by way of the search box. For example, Special:PrefixIndex/BP: manual of style/ or Special:PrefixIndex/BP: Manual of Style/.
- Or visit the Special:PrefixIndex page, and run the report from there. One way to get there is through Special:SpecialPages in Tools (in the sidebar).
- Or to save a click you can add a
link to your version of Tools.
The "Search" report from Special:Search similarly uses a prefix search parameter to show subpages. For example: prefix:BP: manual of style.
Comparing the two:
- Both reports can run with any number of initial characters as the "prefix" of the pagename, so excluding the final slash / character only adds the one pagename.
- Only the "All pages with prefix" report shows subpages that are redirects. (The prefix search parameter does not find redirects.)
- Only the "Search" report is not case sensitive. (Prefix is not case sensitive, PrefixIndex is.)
- Both reports accept namespace aliases in the fullpagename.
- From a content point of view, rather than from a page name point of view, both reports require separate runs for each redirect.
To keep an active display of subpages, see {{list subpages}}. To keep a link to an "All pages..." report, use {{subpages}} or [[Special:PrefixIndex]]. To keep a link to a "Search" report, use a {{search link}}.
Outside of a single page name, there is no direct method for finding subpages. Standard subpagenames are searchable using the intitle parameter.
There are a few categories that track some types of subpages.
Slashes in article titlesEdit
Some topics have a slash in the name, and should be named accordingly—e.g. OS/2 or Providence/Stoughton Line. Care should be taken with the corresponding talk pages, though, as subpages are enabled in talk space—for example, Talk:OS/2 is treated by the software as a subpage of Talk:OS.